Thermal & Photographic Images Of The Effects Of Grounding Therapy

Plate 1

Inflammation as seen through infrared imaging. Thermal imaging cameras record tiny changes in the temperature of the skin to create a color-coded image map. Because tissue damage causes increased heat, abnormally hot areas indicate inflammation. The infrared photos shown here were taken only thirty minutes apart-before (left) and after grounding (right). They illustrate a rapid resolution of inflammation & help explain the impact of Earthing on chronic pain, stiffness, and a variety of symptoms.

Plate 2

The patient here was an eighty-five-year-old male who complained of intense, left lower back pain and right shoulder pain that interfered with sleep, and waking stiff and sore. Prolonged medical treatment had achieved poor results. After two nights of sleeping grounded, he reported 50 % less pain and 75 % less stiffness and soreness when walking. Image (left) shows intense areas of inflammation and pain, denoted by arrows. Image (right), taken after second night, shows return to normal thermal symmetry. After four weeks, patient reported total resolution of back and shoulder pain with only occasional mild stiffness. "I have my life back," he said.

Plate 3

Infrared images are those of a sixty-five-year-old woman with chronic thigh, knee, and shin pain on the right leg, with ankle pain and swelling of the left foot. The patient complained of insomnia, non restful sleep, lack of sleep interfering with daily functioning, sleepiness during the day, pain interfering with sleep, leg achiness during sleep, and waking stiff and sore. She had been on prolonged medical treatment with poor results.

After four nights of sleeping grounded on a conductive bed pad, the patient reported a 90 % reduction in pain, a 50 % improvement in restful sleep, and a 50 % reduction in insomnia, sleepiness during the day, and waking stiff and sore. Steady continuous improvement was reported at a forty-day follow-up. Images (top) show the lower extremities taken before grounding, Arrows denote most significant areas of inflammation and correspond precisely with subject's areas of complaint. Images (bottom) were taken after four nights of sleeping grounded. Note the considerable reduction in inflammation and return toward a normal thermal pattern.

Plate 4

Infrared images are those of a thirty-three-year-old woman who had a gymnastics injury at age fifteen. The patient had a long history of chronic right knee pain, swelling, and instability, and was unable to stand for long periods. Simple actions, such as driving, increased the symptoms. She needed to sleep with a pillow between her knees to decrease the pain. On-and-off medical treatment and physical therapy over the years provided minimal relief. Images (top) were taken in walking position to show the inside of both knees. The arrow points to exact location of patient's pain and shows significant inflammation. Images (bottom) were taken thirty minutes after being grounded with an electrode patch . The patient reported a mild reduction in pain. Note significant reduction of inflammation in knee area. After six days of grounding, she reported a 50 percent reduction in pain and said that she could now stand for longer periods without pain and no longer needed a pillow between her legs when she slept. After four weeks of treatment, she felt good enough to play soccer and for the first time in fifteen years felt no instability and little pain. By twelve weeks, she said her pain had diminished by nearly 90 percent and with no swelling. For the first time in many years, she was able to waterski. Six months after initial treatment, she completed running a half-marathon.

Plate 5

This set of infrared images relates to inflammation in the forearm tendons of a dental hygienist suffering from bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. She was receiving three workers' compensation physical therapy treatments and three chiropractic treatments per week. Her symptoms included finger pain, coldness, and stiffness, and wrist pain. The forearm inflammation was reducing the circulation to her fingers. Image 1 shows the pre-treatment thermogram, revealing cool fingers and wrist due to poor circulation. Note the evidence of inflammation in the upper forearms. An Earthing electrode patch was placed on her left palm. Image 2 shows the delivery and distribution of blood to her right fingers after six minutes of Earthing. The fingers were beginning to get warmer. Image 3, after eleven minutes, shows continuing improvement of the circulation in the right fingers and wrist, and the beginning of improvement in her left fingers. Image 4 shows dramatic improvement on both sides after sixteen minutes. Note also the decrease in temperature (inflammation) in the upper forearms.

Plate 6

Photographic images show accelerated improvement of an eight-month-old non healing open wound suffered by an eighty-four-year-old woman. Right column pictures are close-ups of photos to the left. Top row shows the open wound and a palegray hue to the skin . Middle row photos, taken after one week, show marked level of healing and improvement in circulation, as indicated by the skin color. Bottom row, taken after two weeks, show the wound healed over and skin color looking dramatically healthier. Treatment consisted of a daily thirty-minute grounding session with an electrode patch while seated comfortably. The cause of the wound adjacent to the left ankle was a poorly fitted boot. A few hours after wearing the boot, a blister formed, and then developed into a resistant open wound. The patient had undergone various treatments at a specialized wound center with no results. Vascular imaging of her lower extremities revealed poor circulation. When first seen, she had a mild limp and was in pain. After an initial thirty minutes of exposure to grounding, the patient reported a noticeable decrease in pain. After one week of daily grounding, she said her pain level was about 80 percent less. At that time, she showed no evidence of a limp. At the end of two weeks, she said she was completely pain free.

Plate 7

Effects of grounded sleep on a forty-seven-year-old male with diabetic neuropathy. Photo (left) is of the patient's lower right leg before treatment. After three nights of grounding with a conductive bed pad and electrode patches on both feet, the patient reported significant relief of pain and improved sleep. After seven nights, there was substantial reduction in redness and inflammation, indicating better circulation (right).

The patient also reported great improvement in energy levels and an overall sense of "increased well-being."

Figure 11-1.

The reproductions above represent darkfield microscope images of blood taken from three individuals in attendance at Dr. Sinatra's house just before and after forty minutes of grounding.

The before images are on the left, the after on the right. The pictures clearly show a dramatic thinning & decoupling of blood cells.

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